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1110 AM KTEK Where Justice Lies is looking for Personal CPS Stories to Expose the Truth


We welcome guests who can speak about:

Their own experiences with various CPS organizations, as well as attorneys, judges, investigators, book authors, reporters and more who are working to promote improvement in the system.  Change needs to be immediate, as families are being torn apart every single day in our country.  There is still good in these agencies, and we are always looking for opportunities to showcase and give credit to those caseworkers and judges who are using their powers for good and are not part of the overwhelming corruption.

Show Name: *
Where Justice Lies
Show Description: *

I'm Julie Ketterman, a Houston-based attorney with sixteen years of experience. My specialty -- my PASSION -- is family law, and my crusade to fight for families' rights every day. One of the biggest dangers facing the preservation of our families is the failure of Children's Protective Services. In my thousands of courtroom encounters with CPS, I have experienced their corruption, their negligence, their mismanagement, and how they are destroying families across this country. The system is broken. It needs to be fixed. I'm the lady with the tool kit. On the radio and in your face, this is WHERE JUSTICE LIES.

Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Cheri Lane
Booking Supervisor
Wicked Publicity
Email Address: *producer@wherejusticelies.com
Audience Demographics for Your Show: *

Male 18+ 62.6%
Male 18+ 37.4%

Age Range:\
35-64 61.7%
\45+ 75.6%

Data Provided By:
The Media Audit
Houston Metro Demo Adults 18+
Reporting Period 2010-2013

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *
Daytime Contour: 0.5 mV/m
Population: 5,894,657
Source: 2010 Census
Show Format: *
  • Broadcast radio show
  • Internet radio show
  • Recorded podcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
Business 1110 AM KTEK
Houston, Tx
The Wall Street Journal Radio Network
Show airs every Fri. at 10 AM CT
(Show tapes every Wed. at 4 PM CT)
Website URL: *http://www.business1110ktek.com/
Show URL: *http://www.business1110ktek.com/
If you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? *
There is NO CHARGE for guest expert interviews at this time.
If traditional radio or TV broadcast, what city/state does your show reach?
Houston, TX

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