Like a Boss Radio seeks Experts for Interviews
Show topics range from business & entrepreneurship to dating & relationships, health & fitness, biohacking and more.If you're an expert in any of these fields (or a related field) we want...
View ArticleEscaping Cubicle Captivity seeks Experts Who Transitioned From Employee To...
I am specifically looking for individuals who have been able to make the successful transition from employee to entrepreneur.I am open to speaking to entrepreneurs from a wide range of business models...
View ArticleFree Edition Subscriber: You Missed these Today…
Authors, consumer affairs, politics, travel, and business: If you're an expert looking for interviews like these, upgrade to our Premium email lists.You’ll get Guest Requests that are not included in...
View ArticleCapital Conversations needs Political Analyst October 14 8-10pm ET
Looking for a political analyst to help us break down the first Democratic Debate.Who performed the best? Best zingers of the night and how would their performances affect the polls, and who were the...
View ArticleMission Date Night calling Romance Authors
We are currently seeking Romance Authors for a new aspect of our popular Mission Date Night podcast.We are kicking off new themed Friday episodes -- Code Name: Fiction Friday. Our listeners want to...
View ArticleFeatured Publicist: Conscious Media Relations
Does your book, film, message or business change people’s lives for the better?We specialize in publicity for authors, experts, businesses and organizations that serve the mind/body/spirit, self-help...
View ArticleRevenue Chat Show seeks Sales/Business guests
Authors/experts in sales, business, marketing or leadership who can share their knowledge with our audience.Our audience wants to know revenue generating methods, tips and how you did it, etc. Tell us...
View ArticleWHDT World News
Politics, Government, Finance, Religion, Social issues, foreign policy.Show Name: *WHDT World NewsShow Description: *WHDT presently broadcasts 40 hours of locally produced news each week, exclusive of...
View ArticleAfrican American Profile Seeking Positive Stories
I am interested in interviewing positive African Americans and people that have had a positive impact on the African American community.I am interested in anyone that is doing something positive.Show...
View ArticleWant ALL our Guest Requests emailed to you?
If you're looking for more interviews, upgrade to our Premium Services.Today’s Premium emails had interview requests about Business, Marketing, Politics, Self Improvement, and Spirituality, too.Learn...
View ArticlePopular podcast w/ over 60,000 listeners per ep.
We're looking for anyone doing anything interesting:musicians, authors, business owners, news makers, bloggers, podcasters, YouTubers, psychics, motivational speakers, you name it!Show Name: *Eddie...
View ArticleSaturday Primetime Show - The V.O.T.E.
I am looking for those who have struggled and moved forward from an unhealthy to healthy relationship(s) or situation,relationship experts, authors, motivational speakers etc. that can tie their work...
View ArticleFun, Uplifting & Empowering Catalysts of Change
Individuals that can inspire and empower listeners to take action to improve their lives.Authors who have written about overcoming struggle or who have a product or service that can help listeners...
View ArticleNew Lifestyle/Business Podcast seeks Variety of Guests
We are seeking:1. Guests who can speak to blogging and how it has helped their business 2. Guests who live a certain lifestyle that adheres to values of minimalism, essentialism, etc that can speak to...
View ArticleRestaurant Ninjas
experts in the food service business, marketing, human resource management, loss prevention, operations, financeShow Name: *The Restaurant NinjasShow Description: *Restaurant Ninjas is a podcast that...
View ArticleM & M Cafe looking for Influentual Millennials
Millennials & Money Café is looking for successful Millennials who have chosen their own path.The ideal guest can talk about his/her success (career path, financial success, relationship success,...
View Article1110 AM KTEK Where Justice Lies is looking for Personal CPS Stories to Expose...
We welcome guests who can speak about:Their own experiences with various CPS organizations, as well as attorneys, judges, investigators, book authors, reporters and more who are working to promote...
View ArticleDon’t Miss any more Guest Requests!
The right publicity can explode your business. Why not upgrade to get ALL our Guest Requests?Today we also had additional interview requests for Business, Marketing, Finance, and Relationships. Get ALL...
View ArticleSeeking experts in Technology, Finance, Marketing
Looking for experts in Technology, Finance, Marketing who can give advice, share tips and teach small business owners how to grow their business and make money.Show Name: *Chatting with The ExpertsShow...
View ArticleMichael Dresser Show Interviews Authors & Experts
The Michael Dresser Show promotes non-fiction authors & experts in business & financeincluding entrepreneurs, small businesses, sales & marketing, career advancement & leadership as...
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