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ThatGolfKid is calling all Golf Industry Experts


Looking for anyone involved in the golf industry including, but not limited to:

Professional players, teachers, coaches, instructors, club professionals, doctors, psychologists, authors, bloggers, reporters, personalities, reviewers, architects, club managers etc.

Show Name: *
Show Description: *
ThatGolfKid is known for his quick wit, high golf IQ and quality podcasts! Join us weekly where we discuss PGA tour results and all things golf! News, headlines, results, exciting guests and much more await you on the ThatGolfKid podcast!

I love to bring a wide range of guests on my show, anyone who could have any insight to the game of golf is welcomed on my show. That includes sports doctors, psychologists etc. We have fun, professional interview-style chats that enlighten our viewers and keep them coming back.
Show Host Name(s):
Booking Contact for Interviews: *
Matthew Clark
Email Address: *mfclark98@gmail.com
Audience Demographics for Your Show: *
Golf fans from across the globe love to tune in to the ThatGolfKid podcasts for their weekly golf results along with the high entertainment and education value.
Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *
9 downloads so far in the month of September. We are a young, exciting podcast craving growth and a larger audience.
Show Format: *
  • Recorded podcast
Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *
Recording times on this podcast are very flexible. Recording is in the Atlantic time zone of Canada, one hour after Eastern time (for example, 2pm Eastern time is 3pm Atlantic time) and four hours after Pacific time (2pm Pacific time is 6pm Atlantic time).
Website URL: *http://thatgolfkid.libsyn.com/
Show URL: *https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/thatgolfkid/id1150825978?mt=2
If you charge for interviews, ask for co-promotions, request "donations", or have other expectations of your guests, what are they and what do guests get back? *
No charge expected. If you give me your time, you will be on the air. Decent mic quality encouraged.


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