Dr. Richard John Tscherne is a disability expert, and his partner Jaimie (Love) Adams is a life coach specializing in love relationships.
Together they focus on the fact that we are all the same regardless of our circumstances and through the power of love, learning to love oneself, and then each other we can change attitudes and perceptions which assists in having a more peaceful and productive daily life.
Living life has become a competition. We all want to find the meaning of why we are here and why we are going through what we are. The struggle is real and if you look at it more closely it is the struggle between our thoughts and how those thoughts control our actions to every situation we are in. To become aware of this process is the key to having peace within yourself. Richard and Jaimie give you their unique perspective of awareness. This is not a new concept however, through talking about how the two of them relate to people in their own unique ways.
Being a person with a disability of cerebral palsy, Richard understands the struggle of how to manage in this world with limitations. Jaimie graduated from the school of hard knocks and also became a life coach who developed an attitude of being very open and accepting of Richard. Her perceptiveness and insightful intuitiveness can assist you into understanding yourself better than you did before. The two of them are one-two punch in terms of developing a new perception of how to look at your life.
Richard became a licensed psychologist, and then wrote a book, The Little Engine That Did It. Then things really got interesting because Richard is a Shriner.
Shriners support the Philadelphia Shriners Children's Hospital and also the one in Boston. He is a Shriner clown and also the coordinator of the road runner unit to transport families to the hospitals when their children need check ups and surgical procedures.
Richard was going to a convention, a three day get-together in September 2013. Little did he realize how that weekend would change his life forever. Richard remembers not wanting to go. He just finished his edits for the final draft of his book and was tired but this voice inside his head said, "You better go - it's going to change your life."
So Richard packed his bags, got his scooter ready and then went with his friend Oscar to the hotel on Long Island, New York. He remembers being on his scooter going into the hospitality suite and getting a drink when he saw this beautiful blonde out of the right corner of his eye. She noticed Richard, too, came over to him and leaned over his handlebars and said, "Scooter how are you doing?" At that point, Richard felt like the floor dropped out and Jaimie and him were just floating together.
Richard has had lots of women friends but it was always platonic. It never went past first base. Richard always felt like he was the oldest virgin on the planet. Of course every time he met a pretty girl who showed some interest, he felt like this is going to be the one, for real this time. Jaimie was the one, she deflowered Richard and he finally lost his virginity. Yay!
He told her about himself, back when he was a psychologist and just publishing a book. Jaimie said to him, "Are you Jewish, too?" Richard replied, "No." Then Jaimie said with a smile and laugh, "Two out of three ain't bad."
Things got serious in February 2014 when they both went to Mardi Gras to see Richard's friend Tina. They then decided to get engaged. Richard went out to San Diego, California where Jaimie lives. She is the mother of three children, Sebastian age 22, Cameron age 17 and Currien age 13.
Jaimie is an amazing woman with all that she's done. She took a disabled person and gave him encouragement, acceptance and most of all love. Jaimie is a Baha'i and they called her love when she went to devotionals. So Jaimie Love is another name that she is known by. She has been Richard's coach. She taught him how to kiss, about intimacy, and about the fact that he needed to become a better listener. She has taught him how to be a good lover and she continues to enhance him on every level. They always say behind every successful man there is a strong woman. Jaimie is just that for Richard.
Jaimie is helping Richard market himself through Internet radio shows on Blog Talk Radio. They also have a Facebook fan page that Jaimie created herself to showcase their Mission, that we are the same and people with disabilities need to become more visible and recognized in society.
They also do a video podcast on the daily blu where they interview guests in studio in an effort to publicize themselves as a TV ready duo. They need a hand up, not a handout and will be there for others that do the same for them. Jaimie refers to them as Martin and Lewis. They play off each other very well. Richard just loves her with every cell of his being and wants the world to meet her.
Richard and Jaimie are an intuitive couple that is able to hone in on difficulties that people are having personally and also as a couple. They feel and practice laughter in their relationship and feel that if you're not laughing there is something out of balance. This affects personal relationships with yourself and loving relationships as well. When people talk to them, after the conversation they always say they feel good and better. They believe that the conversation is an energy exchange, the energy of love around all parties and that's why individuals feel better, along with them.
Interview Richard John Tscherne and Jaimie (Love) Adams, Love Coaches to discuss...
- Sexuality and disability.
- We are all the same and the power of love unites us all.
- The attitude of gratitude starts you on your right path to changing your thoughts.
- It's time for another love movement to change attitudes and perceptions in order to become empowered and it begins with you first.
Richard John Tscherne and Jaimie (Love) Adams Guest Expert Interview Credentials
- Richard is a licensed clinical psychologist, and a certified rehabilitation counselor with over 20 years experience in the field of disabilities.
- He is a life coach and acts as a facilitator for his clients who are struggling with their issues.
- Overcoming Richard's own obstacles related to his own condition of cerebral palsy assisted him.
- Empowering himself and others with disabilities by changing their attitudes about themselves.
- Jaimie's life experience being a graduate of the school of hard knocks first has enabled her to have the sensitivity to become a CNA and then a life coach. This has helped her to develop intuitiveness and perceptiveness to assist individuals in loving and empowering themselves .
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Richard John Tscherne
(516) 776-2030
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